Hema Easley of the Journal News reports that two individuals were injured in a Westchester county car accident near Valhalla (Westchester County) today, December 27, 2009 at approximately 6 pm. The motor vehicle involved reportedly swerved off of the road at the corner of Clovebrook Road and Stevens Avenue in Valhalla and collided with a […]
Motor Vehicle Accidents
White Plains Personal Injury Attorney Report: Two Victims In Schuler Car Accident File Suit In Westchester County, NY
As reported by Aman Ali of the Journal News on December 9, 2009, family members of Michael and Guy Bastardi, have commenced a civil lawsuit stemming from the horrific Westchester County car accident on the Taconic that killed eight in the eary afternoon of July 26, 2009. A report of the Westchester County Medical Examiner […]
New York Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer Report: Illegal Immigrant Awarded $135,000 After Car Accident In Dutchess County, NY
An illegal immigrant was recently awarded $135,000 by a Dutchess County, NY jury in a motor vehicle accident case. The plaintiff claimed he was struck from behind by a vehicle driven by the defendant. He allegedly sustained serious neck injuries including post-traumatic cervical myelo-radiculopathy, herniated nucleus pulposi from C3/4 to C5/6, and nerve root compression, […]
Bronx, New York: Tom Brokaw And Wife Involved In Fatal Bronx Car Accident
Suejas Estrada, a 30 year-old Bronx (NYC) dispatcher for a car service, died in a car accident on the Bruckner Expressway at approximately 1 pm Friday, December 4, 2009. She was reportedly on her way to pick up a present for her husband’s birthday. Mrs. Estrada was tragically thrown from her SUV in the three-vehicle […]
Suffolk County (NY) Motorist Dies And Passenger Seriously Injured In Jericho Turnpike Collision
According to a December 1, 2009 Newsday report, a motorist died and a passenger was seriously injured in a car accident on Jericho Turnpike in Huntington, New York (Suffolk County). Scott Mazzio, the 19 year-old driver of the vehicle, a Huntington resident, died in the crash that occurred at approximately 2 pm yesterday. The passenger, […]
New York Motor Vehicle Accident Law: The “Serious Injury” Threshold
Any individual injured in a New York car accident seeking to recover for pain and suffering (non-economic damages) associated with the injury, must establish that he or she has sustained a “serious injury” as defined in Insurance Law Section 5102(d). The purpose of this legislation and the New York no-fault law is to keep “minor” […]
Westchester Personal Injury Attorney Report: $125,000 Settlement In Wrongful Death Trucking Accident Case In Queens (NYC)
The estate of a 55 year-old single mother with four children settled a trucking accident case involving a tractor-trailor for $125,000 In Queens County, NY. The plaintiff died instantly after being struck by the tractor-trailer. Plaintiff’s estate claimed that she had completed turning after stopping at a stop sign. The defendant tractor-trailer contended that the […]
Pedestrian Struck In Westchester County Settles Bulging Discs Case For $700,000
The plaintiff in a Westchester County, NY pedestrian car accident case recently settled for $700,000. The plaintiff, a 45-year-old male, allegedly suffered bulging discs at L4-5 and L5-S1 after being struck by defendant’s car while crossing the street. The defendant’s vehicle (vehicle #1) was reportedly trying to avoid a collision with another vehicle (vehicle #2), […]
20 Year-Old Somers (NY) Student Struck In Hit And Run Car Accident
A twenty (20) year-old Somers resident and University of Tampa student, Erik Nicoletti, was tragically struck in a hit and run accident on the campus this past Saturday. Nicoletti was reportedly crossing the street with a friend at approxmately 1 a.m. Both were injured in the crash. Nicolletti suffered a severe head injury and was […]
Westchester County (NY): Yonkers Resident Enters Guilty Pleas After Injuring Two In Greenburgh Car Crash
Shawn Ferrier, a 35-year-old Yonkers resident, admitted to injuring two people and damaging four parked cars while driving drunk in Greenburgh, NY. He pled guilty to three felonies, second-degree assault, vehicular assault, and aggravated unlicensed operation, as well as driving while intoxicated (DWI) and four other misdemeanor counts of criminal mischief. Ferrier reportedly took area […]
71 Year-Old Pedestrian Struck By Vehicle In White Plains, NY Obtains $225,000 Verdict
In 2006, a 71 year-old female was struck by a motor vehicle in White Plains, NY at the intersection of Maple Avenue and Hale Avenue. The plaintiff commenced a lawsuit in Westchester County Supreme Court alleging that the driver operated the vehicle in a negligent manner. Her attorney’s motion for Summary Judgment on liability was […]
Police Officer From Newburgh, New York And Students Injured In Bus Accident
A police officer from Newburgh, New York was seriously injured in a car accident on November 13, 2009 when his police cruiser collided with two school buses. He is currently recovering at Westchester Medical Center. Officer Thomas Canavan was first transported to St. Francis Hospital after the accident. Officer Canavan reportedly suffered several fractures of […]
Pedestrian Struck By Car In White Plains, NY May Be Paralyzed
This a follow-up to our November 11, 2009 post here on the New York Injury Blog: Jose Falcon, a 43 year-old White Plains resident, has been identified as the pedestrian involved in the November 10, 2009 car accident on Central Avenue by the City Limits Diner in White Plains, NY. Falcon was hit by a […]
Pedestrian Recovering From Injuries After Being Struck By A Car Near City Limits Diner In White Plains, NY
A male, whose name has not yet been released, was struck by a car while crossing Central Avenue in White Plains, NY (near the City Limits Diner) last night. He was transported to White Plains Hospital by emergency personnel. The accident reportedly occurred at approximately 6:30 pm. Deputy Public Safety Commissioner John Cullen said that […]
48 Year-Old Bronx (NYC) County Car Accident Victim Settles For $1,375,000
Plaintiff, a 48-year-old union stagehand, was struck from behind by another vehicle while stopped at a red light at the intersection of East 57th Street and First Avenue in Manhattan (NYC). He suffered a herniated disc at C5-6, bursitis of the left shoulder, blurry vision, floating eye particles, and uncontrollable blinking as a result of […]
11 Year-Old Bronx (NYC) Girl Dies In Deadly Car Accident: Driver Believed To Be Under The Influence
Bronx resident, Leandra Rosado, an 11 year-old student at a Public School in Chelsea died in a car accident on the Henry Hudson Parkway last week. The driver, a friend’s mother, was driving seven girls to her home in the Bronx for a sleepover. The mother, 32 year-old Carmen Huertas, has been charged with vehicular […]
Pedestrian Killed When Driver Accused Of DWI Fails To Stop At A Red Light In The Bronx (NYC)
A New York City Police Officer allegedly struck a pedestrian with his car while drunk in the Bronx last week. The accident reportedly occurred on Kingsbridge Avenue in the Bronx. The officer was driving his government issued vehicle when he struck the woman, Drana Nikac, 67, as she crossed the avenue near West 232nd Street […]
Chinese Delivery Man Seriously Injured After Being Struck By FDNY Vehicle In Brooklyn (NYC)
Lin Chen, a 36 year-old Chinese food delivery man was critically injured after a head-on collision with an FDNY vehicle in Brooklyn (NYC) in September. He was reportedly driving his scooter at approximately 10 pm when the FDNY truck collided with him at the 51st St. and Seventh Avenue intersection in the Sunset Park section […]