Troy Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation at Hoosick Falls has received 47 citations for violations of public health code between 2016 and 2020, according to New York State Department of Health records accessed on August 5, 2020. The facility also received a 2016 fine of $4,000 in connection to findings in a 2011 inspection that it violated health code provisions regarding accidents and quality assurance. The Hoosick Falls nursing home’s citations resulted from a total of three surveys by state inspectors. The deficiencies they describe include the following:
1. The nursing home did not employ adequate measures to prevent accidents. Under Section 483.25 of the Federal Code, nursing homes must ensure resident environments remain as free as possible of accident hazards. A February 2020 citation found that Troy Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation at Hoosick Falls failed to ensure such. The citation states specifically that a resident’s skin integrity was not “protected in accordance with manufacturer instructions when a chemical hair relaxant was applied to the resident’s hair.” The citation goes on to describe an instance in which the resident returned from the salon and a pair of nurses noticed her “hairline on her forehead and scalp were red.” The resident’s hair stylist reported that the resident “told her it was burning so she immediately rinsed her hair and applied the neutralizing shampoo that came with the hair straightening chemical kit.”A plan of correction undertaken by the facility included the education of the hairdresser on facility policy.
2. The nursing home did not take adequate steps to prevent infection. Section 483.80 of the Federal Code requires nursing homes to create and maintain an infection control program to help prevent infection and disease. A February 2020 citation found that Troy Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation at Hoosick Falls did not ensure such. The citation states specifically that the facility did not ensure the use of clean scissors during a resident’s pressure ulcer dressing change, that a barrier was not used between the resident’s foot and the floor, that supplies were not “opened properly,” and that gloves were not “changed when contaminated during a dressing change.” A plan of correction undertaken by the facility included the reeducation of nurses with respect to wound care.
3. The nursing home did not comply with food safety protocols. Section 483.60 of the Federal Code requires nursing homes to “store, prepare, distribute, and serve food” in compliance with professional safety standards. A February 2020 citation found that Troy Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation at Hoosick Falls did not ensure such standards were followed. The citation goes on to state that “toxic substances, product thermometers, kitchen surfaces, test kits, and floors were not in compliance as required.” It goes on to describe a spray bottle with sanitizing solution that was found above the storage area for food service gloves; contact paper lining a shelving unit that was “peeling and not cleanable”; and floors that were soiled with dirt and particles. The citation states that these deficiencies had the “potential to cause more than minimal harm.”
The attorneys at the Law Offices of Thomas L. Gallivan, PLLC work diligently to protect the rights of nursing home residents. Please contact us to discuss in the event you have a potential case involving neglect or abuse.