The Paramount at Somers received 17 citations for violations of public health laws between 2018 and 2022, according to New York State Department of Health records accessed on October 16, 2022. The Somers nursing home’s citations resulted from a total of six inspections by state surveyors. The deficiencies they describe include the following:
1. The nursing home did not take adequate steps to prevent accidents. Under Section 483.25 of the Federal Code, nursing home facilities must “ensure that the resident environment remains as free of accident hazards as is possible; and [that] each resident receives adequate supervision and assistance devices to prevent accidents.” An August 2021 citation found that The Paramount at Somers failed to ensure such. The citation specifically describes an instance in which a Certified Nursing Assistant “left a lunch tray, which included a hot beverage,” in a resident’s room unsupervised. The resident stated that they subsequently spilled the coffee and sustained a burn on their right side and right thigh. In an interview, the facility’s Director of Nursing stated that it was not a common practice for staff to leave trays by residents beds, and that the CNA in question “made a bad decision in leaving the lunch tray by the resident’ bedside.” A plan of correction undertaken by the facility included the education of nursing staff.
2. The nursing home did not take adequate steps to prevent and control infection. Section 483.80 of the Federal Code states that nursing homes must establish and implement “an infection prevention and control program designed to provide a safe, sanitary and comfortable environment” for residents. A February 2019 citation found that The Paramount at Somers failed to ensure such. The citation specifically describes an instance in which the facility failed to ensure “that proper hand hygiene to prevent cross contamination and the spread of infection was followed during a lunch meal observation” in one resident. It goes on to describe one nursing staffer who was observed picking a piece of paper off the floor and then feeding a resident without washing her hands first; another nursing staffer who touched one resident while feeding another resident without washing her hands. A plan of correction undertaken by the facility included the re-education of staff on the facility’s hand hygiene policy.
3. The nursing home did not abide by food safety standards. Section 483.35 of the Federal Code stipulates that nursing homes must “store, prepare, distribute and serve food under sanitary conditions.” A February 2019 citation found that The Paramount at Somers failed to ensure such. The citation specifically describes an instance in which two Certified Nursing Assistants were observed using their bare hands to apply butter to two residents’ bread during breakfast. In an interview, the CNAs stated that they should have held the bread down using a fork or alternatively worn gloves. The facility’s Assistant Director of Nursing said in a separate interview that “staff assisting the residents should not touch the residents’ bread with their bare hands.” A plan of correction undertaken by the facility included the education of nursing staff on safe food handling and infection control.
The nursing home abuse lawyers at the Law Offices of Thomas L. Gallivan, PLLC work diligently to protect the rights of nursing home residents. Please contact us to discuss in the event you have a potential case involving neglect or abuse.