Robert Gunderson, a Certified Nurse Aide at Northwoods Rehabiliation Center, a nursing home in Troy, New York, was recently sentenced after being charging with sexually abusing an elderly resident. Mr. Gunderson reportedly fondled the breasts and vagina of a 78 year old woman who was physically helpless.
In March 2010, Mr. Gunderson was sentenced to 10 year’s probation and ordered to register as a level 2 Sex Offender. In addition, an Order of Protection was issued. Level 2 Sex Offenders must register with the Division of Criminal Justice Services, and reregister every three years by filing a new form, appear at the law enforcement agency where he lives, as well as report changes in address and employment.
Website Resource:
Long-Term-Care Community Coalition Report, 3/16/10-6/15/10.