Holliswood Center for Rehabilitation and Healthcare has received 11 citations for violations of public health code between 2018 and 2021, according to New York State Department of Health records accessed on March 11, 2022. The Hollis nursing home’s citations resulted from a total of five surveys by state inspectors. The deficiencies they describe include the following:
1. The nursing home did not adequately prevent sexual abuse. Section 483.12 of the Federal Code requires nursing homes to ensure that residents are free from sexual abuse. A December 2021 citation found that Holliswood Center for Rehabilitation and Healthcare failed to ensure such. The citation states specifically that the nursing home did not protect a resident from sexual abuse. It goes on to describe an instance in which a resident was observed with their hands in another resident’s diaper and additionally on that resident’s midsection. According to the citation, the first resident “was not removed from the dining room immediately when he/she was observed touching [the latter resident] inappropriately.”A plan of correction undertaken by the facility included the re-education of facility staff on abuse.
2. Holliswood Center for Rehabilitation and Healthcare was previously cited for a failure to protect residents from physical abuse, as required by Section 483.12 of the Federal Code. According to that citation, issued in May 2019, a resident with impaired cognition physically assaulted his roommate. It goes on to describe two separate instances in which a resident “with moderate impairment of cognition and impulsive behaviors” assaulted two separate residents. A plan of correction undertaken by the facility included a review of the residents’ abuse care plans and the re-education of staff “on the implementation of interventions directed at promoting an environment that is free from abuse.”
3. The nursing home did not ensure adequate pain management care. Section 483.25 of the Federal Code stipulates that nursing homes must ensure the provision of pain management “consistent with professional standards of care,” as well as the residents’ care plans and preferences, to those who require it. A June 2021 citation found that Holliswood Center for Rehabilitation and Healthcare failed to ensure such. The citation specifically describes the resident’s failure failure to effectively manage the pain of one resident. According to the citation, a review of the resident’s respiratory system care plan related to a redacted disease showed “no interventions to effectively manage [their] pain.” In an interview, the facility’s Director of Nursing affirmed that “the facility had no documented evidence of pain scale monitoring before and after pain medication administration” for the resident. A plan of correction undertaken by the facility included the re-education of licensed nursing staff on pain management.
The attorneys at the Law Offices of Thomas L. Gallivan, PLLC work diligently to protect the rights of nursing home residents. Please contact us to discuss in the event you have a potential case involving neglect or abuse.