Holliswood Center for Rehabilitation and Healthcare received 28 citations for violations of public health laws between 2015 and 2019, according to New York State Department of Health records accessed on January 9, 2020. The Hollis nursing home’s citations resulted from a total of five surveys by state inspectors. The deficiencies they describe include the following:
1. The nursing home did not implement proper infection control practices. Section 483.80 of the Federal Code requires nursing homes to “establish and maintain an infection prevention and control program designed to provide a safe, sanitary and comfortable environment and to help prevent the development and transmission of communicable diseases and infections.” A December 2017 citation found that Holliswood Center for Rehabilitation and Healthcare failed to maintain infection prevention and control procedures during the care of resident wounds. The citation specifically notes that while a Licensed Practical Nurse caring for a resident’s bedsore / pressure ulcer, she was observed removing and discarding soiled dressing, removing her gloves, and then washing her hands “using improper technique” before donning new gloves and cleaning the wound. The technique in question involved using “very little lather” while putting her soapy hands under running water.
2. The nursing home did not honor the resident’s right to be free from physical restraints. Section 483.10 of the Federal Code provides nursing homes with the right “to be free from any physical or chemical restraints imposed for purposes of discipline or convenience, and not required to treat the resident’s medical symptoms.” According to a May 2019 citation, the nursing home did not ensure residents were free from physical restraints. An inspector specifically observed a resident in several instances “seated in a wheelchair with a seatbelt buckled in at the waist.” According to the resident’s records, “restraints were not in use” for the resident, and “there was no medical justification documented… requiring the use of a seatbelt.” The citation states that the resident’s comprehensive care plan for falls stated that staff were using the resident “from rising out of the chair and attempting to ambulate unassisted.” According to the citation, there had been a previous physician order for the use of the seatbelt, but it was renewed twice with no documented medical justification.
3. The nursing home did not take adequate measures to prevent abuse. Section 483.12 of the Federal Code defines nursing home residents’ right to freedom from abuse, neglect, misappropriation and exploitation. A May 2019 citation found that the nursing home did not ensure its resident environments were free of abuse. The citation states specifically that a resident “with impaired cognition had physically assaulted his roommate” and that another resident “with moderate impairment of cognition and impulsive behaviors” had physically assaulted two other residents on two instances: in one, the resident struck another on his head, resulting in a superficial cut; in another, the resident pushed another resident, who fell as a result. The citation states that these deficiencies had the “potential to cause more than minimal harm.”
The attorneys at the Law Offices of Thomas L. Gallivan, PLLC work diligently to protect the rights of nursing home residents. Please contact us to discuss in the event you have a potential case involving neglect or abuse.