Samantha Cross, 31, a former assistant manager at Schoharie ARC, a New York home for the disabled, admitted in March 2014 to stealing $1,503 from the residents’ personal allowance funds. Cross, who appeared before Schoharie Town Court Justice Kenneth Knutsen, pled guilty to one count of falsifying business records, a misdemeanor. In addition, Cross admitted to stealing money from the disabled residents. As part of her plea deal, Cross will be required to pay restitution. She will also be placed on the exclusion list, which prevents her from working at any facility that receives Medicaid funding. A majority of the organizations that serve the disabled receive such funding.
According to investigators with the Attorney General’s Medicare Fraud Control Unit, Cross stole from patients’ personal allowance funds between November 2011 and November 2012 while employed as an assistant manager at ARC. Cross used the stolen funds to purchase cell phones, calling cards and iTunes gift cards for her own personal use.
Commenting on Cross’ guilty plea, New York State Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman remarked, “Today’s guilty plea makes it clear that our office will hold individuals accountable when they prey upon the disabled. While theft is wrong in any setting, it is particularly egregious when it happens at the expense of precious resources committed to helping the disabled.”
Cross was terminated from her position at the group home.