Rutland Nursing Home, located in Brooklyn, was fined $22,000 by the Department of Health in March after a less than satisfactory deficiency report in February of last year. The individual deficiencies are too numerous to discuss here. Of note, though, the facility was cited for failure to properly prevent/heal pressure ulcers .
A resident was admitted to the facility with pressure ulcers on the left buttock and sacrum, stages III and II, respectively. She received a Braden score of 12, making her at risk for the development of further ulcers. Despite this diagnosis, the resident developed several additional ulcers, between stages II and IV, over the next several months. The facility provided inconsistent documentation during this time as well.
Infection control was also an issue during this inspection for nurses treating residents with pressure ulcers. On two separate occasions, nurses improperly cleansed wounds on two different residents without following protocol for doing so. The nurses did not properly sanitize their hands while cleaning the wounds of their respective patients. An open wound is prone to infection without any additional urging. Failing to follow procedure, notably in this case the nursing home’s own procedure, increases the potential for possible infection.
The complete inspection report can be found here.
If you or a loved one has been a victim of neglect or abuse in a nursing home, contact the attorneys at the Law Offices of Thomas L. Gallivan, PLLC to protect your rights.