Comprehensive Rehab and Nursing Center at Williamsville has received 115 citations for violations of public health code between 2017 and 2021, according to health records accessed on April 21, 2021. It has also received seven fines totaling $79,000 since 2011. The Williamsville nursing home’s citations resulted from a total of 11 inspections by state surveyors. The violations they describe include the following:
1. The nursing home did not adequately prevent infection. Section 483.80 of the Federal Code requires nursing homes to establish and maintain an infection prevention and control program. A May 2020 citation found that Comprehensive Rehab and Nursing Center at Williamsville failed to ensure such. The citation states specifically that the facility “did not establish and maintain an Infection Control Program to ensure the health and safety of residents to help prevent the transmission of COVID-19.” It goes on to describe the nursing home’s failure to practice social distancing in two units, its failure to assess residents for “signs and symptoms of COVID-19,” and a “lack of proper hand hygiene” in connection to three residents. The citation states that these deficiencies had the “potential to cause more than minimal harm.”
2. The nursing home did not adequately care for pressure sores. Under Section 483.25 of the Federal Code, nursing homes must provide residents with necessary care and services to prevent the infection of pressure ulcers and prevent the development of new pressure ulcers. A November 2019 citation found that Comprehensive Rehab and Nursing Center at Williamsville failed to ensure such. The citation states specifically that a resident with a “newly acquired stage 2 pressure ulcer” did not receive a weekly assessment by a “qualified person.” In an interview, a Registered Nurse said that “in her estimation it was not a pressure sore, so she did not initiate weekly skin sheets. She looked at the area a few times to keep track of the progress but did not document it in the nursing Progress Notes.” A plan of correction undertaken by the facility included the re-in-servicing of relevant staff.
3. The nursing home did not properly protect residents from accidents. Section 483.25 of the Federal Code requires nursing homes to provide residents with “adequate supervision… to prevent accidents.” A July 2019 citation found that Comprehensive Rehab and Nursing Center at Williamsville failed to ensure such. The citation states specifically that a resident who had been assessed as “high risk for wandering” was not properly supervised, ultimately leaving the facility undetected through a window. The citation goes on to state that there was also “a lack of supervision and interventions for residents assessed as low risk for wandering.” A plan of correction undertaken by the facility included the review of the residents’ care plans “to ensure appropriate interventions are in place for roaming habits.”
Helping Victims of Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect in New York
The New York Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse Lawyers at the Law Offices of Thomas L. Gallivan, PLLC work diligently to protect the rights of nursing home residents. Please contact us to discuss in the event you have a potential case involving neglect or abuse.