A nursing home neglect and wrongful death case involving the development of a Stage IV bedsore (pressure sore, decubitis ulcer) has been postponed by an Oregon court until 2010. The plaintiffs in the lawsuit claim that during a 49 day admission to Evergreen Milton Freewater Health & Rehabilitation Center, Alice Train, a 90 year-old diabetic, lost the ability to walk, suffered significant weight loss, developed a severe pressure ulcer and contracted pneumonia.
Barbara Dickinson, Ms. Train’s daughter, reportedly “found her mother sitting in a wheelchair soaked in her own urine.” On a later date, while changing her mother’s diaper, she found a wound under a dressing on her tailbone. When she removed the dressing she “discovered a wound that contained necrotic (dead) tissue and exuded a putrid odor.”
Defense attorneys for Milton-Freewater requested additional time to prepare their defense.
Website Resources:
Family seeks $7.5 million in wrongful death lawsuit, East Oregonian, Phil Wright, November 17, 2009.
The New York Bedsore Lawyers at the Law Offices of Thomas L. Gallivan, PLLC represent victims of nursing home neglect and abuse, including those that develop bedsores (pressure sores, decubitis ulcers). If you or a loved one has been abused or neglected in a nursing home or hospital, please contact us for a free consultation.